Monday, April 9, 2007

Films with Time Travel Never Happen

So this weekend I went to see the movie “Meet the Robinson's'” in Disney 3D. It was an entertaining animated film. The younger you are the more you will enjoy it. Basically the film was about an orphan that has big dreams and can't get over the fact that his birth mother gave him away. More interesting how ever was how the film addressed time travel.

Here are a few Time travel rules from this film.

  1. If you're erased as a result of history being altered and are then brought back as a result of that charge being undone you will remember it.

  2. When an altered event is corrected when you travel to the future the future will be the same as it was after the altered event occurred, until a visible time bubble expands and changes the future back to the previous future that existed before the historical event was altered

  3. The rule from Bill and Ted's excellent adventure applies. It you say you will do something or not do something then it will take effect right after it is said.

  4. “Time Cop” rules do not apply. Matter can occupy the same space as matter. Meaning if you travel back in time you can touch yourself with out exploding.

  5. Dinosaurs make great pets.

The movie didn't go that way I had hoped or thought it might. Here's a good example: The main character is left on the door step of an orphanage by his mother. No big deal. Then when another kid from the future shows up I'm all thinking that the mother was from the future too. Then the future kid gives hints that indeed the main character is also form the future. But no, his mother isn't from the future. She was from the present, it was disappointing.

In the end if you want to see an entertaining film go see it.

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