Eternal Sonata - Set in a world Fredric Chopin dreamed and then wrote about hours before he died. First off that strikes me as one of the most unique world settings to be used for a game. I’m egger to see what the environments will be like and what roles music will play in the game. Being a big fan of RPG type games it would be hard to want to play one on the 360.

Halo 3 – It’s time to finish the Damn fight. I have spent too many hours of my life playing this series. I’ve played both 1 and 2 multiple times through alone and with Jessalyn. In college I spend weeks in multiplayer death matches with friends. I even own the novels based on the games. The game play is intense and fun. The story with the games has enough substance to keep me interested. I would compare their story telling style to the C&C games. You play through the levels just to see what happens next. I really want to see how it ends and also start playing some multiplayer death matches against friends.

Mass Effect – The only thing better than a Fantasy RPG is a Sci-Fi RPG in my opinion. Bioware is about to release a new one and I hope it is as good if not better than last two. I’ve been following this game for about a year now. Each new video of game footage that is released impresses me even more. Nothing beats sitting back and watching aliens and robots getting blasted apart with high energy weapons.

Bio Shock – I came a little late to this party. When I read a little about it seemed to be a new American McGee knock off. A dark world, strange terrifying creatures, little girls with even stranger powers and the always pleasant sounds of smooth jazzy tunes from the 1930’s playing in the background. Then I saw some in game footage and Wow. This game looks like nonstop thrill ride to awesome land, my initial feelings where wrong about his game and now I must atone by purchasing it.

One word:
One more word:
I hope that one didn't wreck your blog layout... they've been know to do that...
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